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  • BLF believes that cultural and social change is required, away from a car- and fossil-based economy to a sustainable and green economy with new solutions, in order to safeguard future life on the planet. 

  • Residents of the richest countries in the world have a special responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, environmental footprint and resource use, which as of today have unacceptable negative consequences for the climate and environment and people in other parts of the world.  



  • The public transport service, including the bus service, should be so good that it can always compete with and preferably outcompete private cars. 

  • The public transport service, including the bus service, should be as reliable as using private cars. 

  • Universal design should always be an overriding goal. 

  • Public transport constitutes an essential infrastructure and should at all times be given higher priority than private motoring in public spatial planning and operation. 

  • Electric cars are as space-intensive as fossil cars, and prioritization and subsidization of electric car use is not sustainable in an urban context.  



  • All relevant actors should review, evaluate and improve their systems for how public transport users provide feedback on public transport services. 

  • Bus passengers have important knowledge that is of great value in identifying points for improvement in public transport. Bus passengers should to a greater extent have an influence in the planning and development of public transport. 

  • BLF is in solidarity with Yrkestrafikkforbundet (YTF) and employee organizations in the transport sector in general. 

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